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2008-12-23 Shadow box greeting card tutorial


2008-12--23 001
What you’ll need:
2 sheets of card stock 8 ½ x 5 1/2”
super tacky tape
Circle, square or oval punch or cutting system

2008-12--23 002
Score both pieces of card stock at the 4.25” mark (I added pen marks so you could easily see the score marks)

2008-12--23 003
For the piece that you want to be the box inside of the card make two more scores ½” from each end. You will have scores at ½”; 4.25”; and 8”

2008-12--23 004
This is how the box part of the card will look at this point.

2008-12--23 005

Now is the point that you want to cut the window into your shadow box.

Use what ever you have on hand, be it a punch or cutting system. I used an oval.

Before you assemble the box to the card, NOW IS THE TIME TO DECORATE. For the tutorial, I did not.

2008-12--23 007

You have now decorated the box.

Time to attach it to the inside of the card as shown.

Line up the box piece with the center fold of the card.

2008-12--23 008

Bring the 2nd side of the box down and attach it to the inside of the card.

Again, line up the edge of the box to the center score of the card.

2008-12--23 009
Now to form the box.

Using the palm of your hand; push the box down and make a crease to form the box.

2008-12--23 011

To finish forming the box; close the card and crease all the folds.

2008-12--23 013
Attach some super tacky tape to the rear of the box; and attach it to the back panel of the card.

2008-12--23 014
Here is the finished shadow box.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. 2011/09/19 2:43 pm

    thanks for an easy to follow tutorial 🙂


  1. 2015-01-04 Monochromatic Blue | The Craftiblog

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