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2009-02-20 Scallop medallion remake using Martha Stewart Boarder Punch


Last week I made my first scallop medallion. This week I had a stamping buddy over and we played. We took other boarder punches and gave this medallion some test runs. I found out that I like the Fiskers and Marth boarder punches equally well, if not better than the original version. Here is the link to my original card so you can see the difference.
The tutorial for the scallop medallion worked fine no matter what boarder punch we used. Some were just more eye appealing than others. The one that I am showing a sample of here is the lace punch by Martha Stewart. I changed out the words on this sample from the original card I did so they weren’t so sassy. The “just a note” is by TAC.

Here I’m showing that I was able to do the punched boarder just like I did on the original version of the card.004

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Linda Cronkite permalink
    2009/02/20 11:06 am

    It really made a stunning difference in the card. Love it!!!

  2. Joycelynne Sims permalink
    2009/02/20 12:04 pm

    What a HANDSOME card. So delicate. Thank you for posting how to do it.
    Can’t wait to try it.
    Twp-stepping in Texas

  3. patty holschen permalink
    2009/02/21 11:17 am

    Pretty, pretty card! I just bought stampin ups new punch that is like that. I should get it soon.

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