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coffee cup cozy pattern (accepted)


Here’s the pattern I promised you! Throw this coffee cup cozy in your purse so you can slip it on your cup when you buy coffee in the morning. It will save your fingers from being burned and keep your coffee warm a bit longer. 🙂 Look for it in the 2007 Crochet Pattern a Day calendar!


With H hook, chain 34. Join to first chain to form a loop.
1: chain 1, sc in each chain around, do not join (33 sc)
2: sc in first sc, mark this stitch. 2 sc in next sc. (sc in next sc) around, do not join.
3: sc in first sc, mark this stitch. (sc in next sc) around, do not join.
4-11 repeat rows 2 and 3
optional, sc around top and bottom with contrasting color.

Terms of Use
This pattern is free for personal use. If you post pictures of your finished item or reproduce this pattern, please credit me (Lynn Szwalkiewicz or vigilant20) as the original designer and link to the CraftiBlog at

30 Comments leave one →
  1. Fair Oriana permalink
    2005/10/02 5:04 pm

    Wow, that’s really cool! I’ll have to drop a note to all my knitting friends indicating that gee, isn’t that a great idea?

  2. 2005/10/02 6:26 pm

    I’m tempted to make one for my husband, as he’s the one that’s always getting the take-out coffee. But I’m sure he’d either lose it or just not want to use it.


  3. 2005/10/02 6:27 pm

    lol true. In fact the reason I made this in the first place is because my family tends to haul off with travel mugs and they never come back home. So those are actually paper cups I bought from Sams Club. Beat them at their own game!

  4. 2005/10/02 6:48 pm

    LOL! Good for you!

    I’m gonna make some for myself and see if I can work a slit for my mug handle.

  5. 2005/10/02 6:59 pm

    Cute! It probably works a lot better than the cardboard sleeves.

  6. 2005/10/02 6:57 pm

    Oh if you are doing that, then this Java Jacket by might work better for you. She works hers up and down in rows instead of around the cup like I do. So hers would be easier to make an opening for a handle in 🙂

  7. 2005/10/02 6:59 pm

    i need to make one of those, the coffee place on campus doesnt have sleeves and i practically burn my hands on the cup. not to mention that the morons SUCK at making coffee. end whining.

  8. 2005/10/02 6:58 pm

    AHA! That would work better! Thanks!

  9. Carol permalink
    2005/10/02 8:24 pm

    I’m sorry you’re depressed! 😦

  10. 2005/10/02 8:52 pm

    Awwww thanks. I’ll survive, I’m sure. It was just my birthday this week and things were a bit rough.

  11. 2005/10/02 8:52 pm

    i have drunk tea from one of those cups ONCE, it shattered in my fingers and VERY HOT tea went all over me, i have never, and will never drink out of one of those things again. consider yourself warned, bloody dangerous things! Excellent crochet though.

  12. 2005/10/02 8:54 pm

    Eek! I’d be scared stupid of them if one did that to me. 😦 I’m always worried that the lid will pop off them. It’s cheap thin plastic and paper pushed together…I have no idea how that can seal and hold liquid!

  13. 2005/10/03 6:43 am

    This is a fabo coffee cozy, I know cause I got to see it PERSONALLY LOL!!

  14. 2005/10/03 7:51 am

    At first glance I couldn’t really tell what this was. The angle in which the picture was taken kinda makes it look larger than life. Very cool idea. I’m sure a lot of the caffeine fiends would love this one.

  15. 2005/10/03 8:07 am

    Interesting idea, too bad I am not a big coffee drinker. 🙂

  16. 2005/10/04 10:21 pm

    I just loved that !

    Thank you so much 🙂

    Very good for cold coffee drinking norwegian fingers 🙂

  17. 2005/10/06 1:33 pm

    Wonderful work, Lynn. I had to laugh about your travel mugs wondering off. I went for a walk around our place with a friend this last weekend. The look on her face as we came across a varied assortment of mugs perched atop fence posts and stumps will be cherished. My sweetie often goes for a walkabout with his morning coffee .. . . lol Hence my heading out with an empty back pack!

  18. Vims permalink
    2005/10/17 2:35 am

    Lovely Lynn! I am gonna make myself few! Congrats on it being accepted for the calendar!

  19. Evelyn permalink
    2005/10/28 11:54 am

    Neat idea. I’m going to make some for presents and some for
    me when i go fast food place for coffee or hot chocolate.

  20. 2006/05/02 6:07 pm

    Wow!! Thats cool you got it accepted! And its such a great and useful piece! Great job and congrats!

  21. Carmen from TX permalink
    2006/06/09 2:05 pm

    Thanks I am teaching someone how to crochet and I think this will be a great starter for her Thank again

  22. Teri permalink
    2006/12/05 7:43 pm

    Perfect Christmas gift. My sister and her husband are going to love it. I think I’ll tuck a Starbucks giftcard inside.
    Thanks a million

  23. Debbie permalink
    2008/01/13 12:59 am

    I got the pattern from the crochet calendar but can’t seem to get it to work. I’ve re-started it three times. When you get to the end of round 1, do you just keep crocheting around? On row 3, is that just sc all the way around too? Mine just kept getting bigger and bigger and it looked like it would be a great big doughnut instead of the pictured item. HELP please! Thanks.

  24. 2010/11/30 8:37 am

    Thank you for posting this. I have been looking for a simple item my son can make as Xmas gifts. We come from a family of serious coffee drinkers 🙂

  25. Danielle Richardson permalink
    2012/03/03 12:23 pm

    Will this fit a 16oz. plastic drink cup?

  26. Katel permalink
    2012/10/12 10:10 am

    This crochet in the round is just spiraled up to the next row instead of joined then chain up for the row, correct?

  27. 2013/08/07 6:56 am

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  1. CraftiBlog » Accepted :)
  2. CraftiBlog » One Skein Project List
  3. Snowflake Coffee Cozy « Where the Yarn Has No Name

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