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2008-12-31 Shapped Card and scallop flower


I joined a swap where we are supposed to create a “shapped” card.
I have scallop punches so I made a mini card. I placed the fold of the card stock so that that part was not punched by the scallop. You can see that clearly in the photo on the left side. I should say here that I have the cleaver lever punches and it was really tough to punch through two layers of card stock for this. Some areas didn’t punch all the way through. So I punched a scrap piece, layered it over my card and used a pencil to trace where the punch didn’t cut. Then I took a sharp scissors and finished cutting where the punch missed.

The words are by Hero Arts. The tag is a Sizzix die cut; the scallop circles are all circle scallop punches. The flower is also made using a small scallop circle, folded. Prior to punching them, I ran the card stock through Cuttlebug A2 embossing folders (circle flowers & swiss dots)

2008-12-31 002

To make the flower; I took a small circle scallop punch and punched 2 colors of Cuttlebug embossed card stock. Fold the circle you just punched into 1/4’s, and then piece the flower together making fluffy layers. I did punch one scallop and left it whole without folding so I would have a base to build on. Here is a close up so you can see the layers of the flower. See how the 1/4 folds make the flower poofie? In some places I also added a tiny square of 3-d mounting tape, but it was so full I quit adding it, as I didn’t need it.

2008-12-31 001

9 Comments leave one →
  1. vigilant20 permalink
    2008/12/31 11:21 am

    That looks really good 🙂

  2. 2008/12/31 2:07 pm

    O WOW That is so pretty!!!
    Thank U 4 Sharing!!

  3. karen permalink
    2008/12/31 10:37 pm

    poofie? I like your style! Great card!

  4. 2009/01/01 10:17 pm

    This is an awesome card, very clever.

  5. cathy permalink
    2009/01/04 6:59 pm

    Now this is one gorgeous card! I hope I get paired with you!

  6. 2009/01/05 8:41 am

    I like the poufy flower and how you matched the swiss dot paper to the swiss dot ribbon. You’re sooooo diva-licious!

  7. susie taylor permalink
    2009/07/30 2:23 pm

    Hi Bonnie…
    I love this card. Found it while trying to contact you to ask if u have a still photo to share of the tri shutter card u made on this weeks tutorial. I think it is awesome and would love to see a still photo of the card opened. Thanks so much.

  8. DigiDeb permalink
    2010/07/14 1:06 pm

    This is really great! Thanks for sharing.


  1. 2010-04-16 Poofy folded flowers « The Craftiblog

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